Well, traveling in close quarters with the band, if somebody gets sick, everybody is in danger. Two days ago, I was woken up in the middle of the night as the bus is rolling down the road to screaming from the bunk across from me. I look over and the husband/wife couple who is sleeping in the same bunk across from me is covered in puke…the people…vomit. Absolutely disgusting. They see that I’m up and say – “We have got to stop!” I get out of my bunk and run to the front of the bus as quickly as possible, dodging projectiles, and inform our driver of the lovely issue and try to breathe while being bombarded with the smell of a stomach.
Well, two days later, the original guy who was sick is feeling great, but two more people have come down with it…so I’m downing some Emergen-C and doing my best to not be in direct contact with the ill-stricken. Symptoms include violent vomiting every 10-30 min or so, exhausted, uneasy stomach, slight fever, possibly a cough.
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