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Dream Log: Boats and Pitbulls

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So I was dreaming that I was back in Minooka riding a bike through town with my iPad in one hand. As I rode past the old firestation, somebody had bought it and turned it into a boat cleaning place, kinda like a car wash / mechanic shop for boats. As I got to the next building in town, there were a bunch of police officers standing around griping saying something about ‘they’re going to tip them off’…and I heard this chanting in the distance, as I got closer to the chanting, it was a group from one of those repossession shows on TV that were about to raid the boat place to pick up all the stolen boats that they had in there, and they were all standing around in a circle like a football team does before a game pepping themselves up…well sure enough the boat folks heard it all and by the time they were done, all the boats were cleared out.

I kept riding my bike through town, hit a grassy patch and started to wipeout, but I clearly remember setting the iPad down on the ground gently before taking a hard spill myself. Hehe.

As I fell though, there was a pitbull in the area that saw me go down, and started heading my way. I quickly hopped back on the bike and started peddling as fast as possible, but it was catching up with me. Of course, the dog caught up and started nipping at me, the handlebars, my feet. I couldn’t shake it, and it finally got caught up between the bike wheels, everything spinning around, I get back on the bike and quickly get home and realize that somehow there’s a quarter sized hole in my leg…that hurt pretty bad…and I could look down into the hole and it seemed to just keep on going much longer than the actual size of my leg…ouch.

Pretty much after that, I woke up. The end.

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