Sweet! I’ve been looking for some sort of method to archive all of the places that I go or have been too and I found it. Yes, some hate the Google institution, but I have to admit, despite the fact that they will take over the internet, Google has some great tools that just simply work and are amazingly integrated into each other.
Ok now that mumbo jumbo is out of the way, I announce that my travels will be documented using Google Maps and the “My Maps” function and featured on my blog sidebar. Click on the “View Larger Map” under the map image to easily navigate around.
To implement this type of map into your own website, simply go to http://maps.google.com/, arrange the map to display how you want it to, then click on the “Link to this Map” link in the upper right corner. Whala – a new element appears which contains the code to embed into your website, blog, or myspace. But take it a step farther, click on the link titled “Customize and preview embedded map” which will open a popup widow that allows you to customize the size of the map and give you the code right then and there to copy paste. Just like I’ve done on my sidebar. Enjoy!
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