We’re in Boise, ID for a Halloween show put on by Calvary Chapel in Boise here. Everybody has been super cool, easy to work with, pretty relaxing day.
Actually, we’ve titled this day “Amateur Hour” because of many things. I forgot to check everybody in for their flights yesterday so we all had pretty crappy seats this morning. I made some wrong turns going to the airport which I go to the airport who knows how many times a month. Adam forgot his pedal board and guitar, Cody forgot his pedal board, Jordan didn’t have any drum sticks so I had some for him, we didn’t have our regular merch starting cash or cash box with us cause we forgot it, the credit card machine wasn’t recharged, my PSP had no battery life, my suitcase got lost at the airport, etc. etc.
Well, a ray of sunshine when I went to the hotel to check us in this evening. We show up at the Oxford Suites in good ole Boise. Really nice hotel. I walk in and what’s encased in a frame sitting on the hotel desk – Oxford Suites welcomes our Guest of the Day – Matt Satorius! Hip hip…hooray! It didn’t really mean much besides an upgraded room with a fireplace and huge bathroom and a signed card from the manager with her email address *thanks Tina Parrish, but sure made me feel special!