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Category: Technology

Installing Sun VirtualBox 1.6 on Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04

Several challenges were overcome in the installation process of VirtualBox 1.6 on both my desktop Dell Optiplex GX620 and my IBM Lenovo X60, both running Hardy Heron.  For those who don’t know, VirtualBox is an open-source GUI interface software for building multiple virtual machines.  Yes, open source meaning free.  There are versions for nearly every operating system.  My goal today was installing it on the Ubuntu 8.04.  First was simply downloading it from the right source!

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Website Case Study: Minooka Bible Church

New Website Design by Sators.comToday marked the launch of a new website for Minooka Bible Church, This was the cultivation of several months of planning, meetings, content collection, design and programming. MBC’s previous website, developed by, had not been given an overhaul since its’ release in 2002, therefore making it long overdue for a revision.

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