netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l Show how many active connections there are to apache (httpd running on port 80)
5 CommentsCategory: Web Design
Sweet! Discovered on
1 CommentToday marked the launch of a new website for Minooka Bible Church, This was the cultivation of several months of planning, meetings, content collection, design and programming. MBC’s previous website, developed by, had not been given an overhaul since its’ release in 2002, therefore making it long overdue for a revision.
Dang it. It’s been over a month since I blogged. Guilty as charged. My soul intention is to keep writing ever other day or so, but isn’t it amazing how quickly priorities can change and all of a sudden five other things come up and blogging gets pushed to the back burner. Sad because I really do enjoy writing my thoughts out (Jamie is really good at that and inspires me to work on it more).
1 CommentThis one’s for the tech nerds. I recently upgraded to Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Web Design and absolutely love it. I’ve been trucking along through…