This most recent trip I found myself without pj’s cause they missed the suitcase zipper deadline. No big deal, just been sleeping with a shirt and my boxers and gotten by just fine.
Well last night I found myself at a friend’s house sleeping on the couch in his living room and I took my pants off and put them right next to the couch in the event that someone like his mom walks down that I could safely be clothed under the blankets. Much to my surprise and still to much confusion, in the middle of the night, I woke up to discover that I no longer had my underwear on. Realizing this I quickly start looking around to find my underwear right next to the couch on my pants. As I covered my buns I was thinking to myself what the averted unfortunate experience would have been if my friend’s sister came down in the morning and the covers had slipped off my clad bottom…WOW embarrassment avoided.
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