This is the story of a dream that I had this morning. While I usually enjoy dreams, this by no means was fun time – however at the same time it was not a nightmare. It felt at times I was living in a Marvel Comics movie, but it felt very serious. I don’t necessary understand some of the elements…but here is my best description. The images are quite clear in my mind…
1 CommentInside the Mind of Sators Posts
Yesterday morning I attended the funeral of Katherine Vaudrey, a 19 year old who went to the same church as I, Willow Creek, and was a part of the high school ministry that I worked for while I was on staff at the church. While I didn’t know her directly and never had a chance to meet her, I was intrigued enough by the stories and comments that people left about her the week following her death that I wanted to attend the memorial.
1 CommentSeveral challenges were overcome in the installation process of VirtualBox 1.6 on both my desktop Dell Optiplex GX620 and my IBM Lenovo X60, both running Hardy Heron. For those who don’t know, VirtualBox is an open-source GUI interface software for building multiple virtual machines. Yes, open source meaning free. There are versions for nearly every operating system. My goal today was installing it on the Ubuntu 8.04. First was simply downloading it from the right source!
1 CommentBack and forth back and forth…for the past 6 months I have been teetering on whether I want to dive head first into Linux. As with many others who take the plung, I seem to have this strange clinch of…”but what am I going to do without [insert Windows software title here]?!?!”
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