Fat Kid Cardio Work Out – Watch more free videos
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Scary. The floor under the audience at the front of the stage during a Starfield concert on Friday, April 25th in Abbotsford, B.C. gave way, sending people down to the floor below injuring more than 40 people. No fatalities though. Reference links below:
A relatively new company is on the block – Clear. What is it? Basically, when you head to the airport and instead of walking up…
Leave a CommentToday marked the launch of a new website for Minooka Bible Church, http://www.minookabible.org/. This was the cultivation of several months of planning, meetings, content collection, design and programming. MBC’s previous website, developed by Sators.com, had not been given an overhaul since its’ release in 2002, therefore making it long overdue for a revision.