This one’s for the tech nerds. I recently upgraded to Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Web Design and absolutely love it. I’ve been trucking along through all the programs until I get to Flash CS3. I design a little nav creation as I have done so many times in the past until I go to start Actionscripting. Whoa – actions can’t be applied to objects?! Have to add listener events and all this new standards compliant stuff. I’m all for standards, but this threw me for a curve. I’m still stuck at trying to figure out how to pass variables to functions called by listener events…as soon as I can figure out how to do that, I think I’ll be back on course.
Anybody got any ideas? Below is my actionscript. I have a list of movieclips that I want to jump around the object’s timelines based on hover triggers from another button. I basically want to pass into the function which object I want to send to “in” and “out” frames and thus save lots of redundant programming…
function hoverIn(event:MouseEvent):void{ home.gotoAndPlay(“in”)}
function hoverOut(event:MouseEvent):void{ home.gotoAndPlay(“out”)}
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverIn);
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hoverOut);